Thursday 4 July 2013


Pernah tak dengar orang cakap, "jangan berharap terlalu tinggi, nanti kalau tak jadi, sakit."
orang tua-tua selalu cakap mcm ni, nak ingatkan orang muda supaya jangan terlalu berharap pada sesuatu yg belum pasti.. Memang, kata-kata ini banyak benarnya. Jangan terlalu mengharap, nanti kecewa.

Pernah tak rasa seseorang tu macam sangat faham kita? Dulu suka dan duka selalu ada. Kita pun berharap yang dia akan kekal bersama kita sampai bila-bila. Tapi pernah tak dengar, 'ku sangka panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari." indeed, people change. Will never remain the same. Mula-mula memang terasa dia orang yang paling dekat dengan hati kita. tapi kenapa lama-lama terasa semakin jauh, bila ada jurang penghalang. Bukan ke sepatutnya kalau dah sayang dan sefahaman, walaupun dugaan melanda, hati makin kukuh?.

Well, don't expect too much on someone. NEVER expect people to understand you. because it feels hell hurt, when they just don't. You know, sometime people easily say, "no matter what happens, you'll always have me." or maybe, "you can do it. i know you can. don't worry, i'm here to help you." And guess what, these are all lies. FAKE. They won't be there when you need them the most. They won't see your tears cause they're too busy laughing. Even when you are talking, their ears aren't listening. They are listening to their very own heart content. They'll NEGLECT you.

Bila situasi macam ni jadi, selalunya kita fikir the best solution would be; larikan diri. Yes, we often do that. Dengan alasan kononnya nak tenangkan diri, kita pun kurang bertemu dengan org yang kononnya faham kita ni tadi. Kita tipu diri sendirri, dengan harapan bila jumpa lagi nanti, orang yang dulu akan kembali. orang tu akan sedar how bad our condition is. Tapi sayang, sayang seribu kali sayang. Again, they just DON'T understand. Even when you try to explain how hard your situation is, they are not completely into you. They are busy with other stuffs. never ending laughs, and giggles.up to certain point, you'll feel like sitting alone, just to protect your feelings from being hurt by them. Unconsciously, they make you feel bad. Consiously, you are aware of that. But you cannot bring yourself to explain everything that you feel. you can't be honest. you just hold everything inside. Yes, you did. And that 'somebody' is just never understand you.

kadang-kadang bukanlah kita harap sangat yg orang tu akan selalu faham kita. but kalau dah jadi kebiasaan selalu bersama, macam mana sekali pun, perasaan terbiasa tu akan ada. Waktu tu mula lah kita harap dia akan selalu ada dengan kita. tapi hakikatnya, at the end, they are just like others. They won't prioritize you.

Is it worth it being sad over such people? NOPE. You have to be strong, be tough. Just let them be, and continue your journey. Starting from today, just trust yourself, NOT anyone else. Understand yourself is enough, NEVER hope someone will understand you too.

I pray, semoga anda tidak akan merasai perasaan sakitnya bila terlalu mengharap.

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